📣 Press Release: Addressing Corruption Vulnerability in Zambia’s Land Sector
Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) has brought attention to the significant risks and vulnerability to corruption posed by the proliferation of unregistered and unregulated estate agents operating within Zambia’s land sector. Recognizing the urgency of the matter, TI-Z has taken proactive steps to address this critical issue.
In collaboration with the Zambia Institute for Estate Agents (ZIEA), TI-Z is supporting the publication of a comprehensive list of duly registered estate agents. The Zambia Institute for Estate Agents, through gazette notice No. 732 of 2023, has officially recognized these agents. This vital notice was published on June 1, 2023.
To gain a deeper understanding of the gravity of the situation and the need for urgent measures to be taken to combat risks and corruption in Zambia’s land sector, we encourage you to access the original press release on the TI-Z official website. Explore the full details of the initiatives aimed at safeguarding the real estate market’s integrity and protecting all stakeholders’ interests.
For further information and to read the complete press release, please visit the TI-Z website [Read Press Release]. Stay informed about the latest developments and efforts to promote transparency, accountability, and equitable practices within Zambia’s land sector, sign up for our email list here: http://eepurl.com/dv0RTj.
Together, let us work towards eradicating illegalities and establishing a well-regulated and sustainable real estate industry.
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